(417) 531-5729

1 - What is the advantage of a log home?
Log homes fit into today's vision of comfortable, peaceful country living. Log homes create a feeling of relaxation and being at one with nature. The thermal mass of log walls is very energy efficient - log mass keeps heat inside in the winter and keeps heat outside in the summer.

2 - How can the public find out about log homes?
Obviously, there are now many internet sites about log homes. There are also several national magazines which deal specifically with log homes. They can be found in major book stores, chain grocery stores and many newsstands. Several companies promote log home shows and seminars.

3 - What kind of log homes does Liberty Log Cabins build?
Liberty Log Cabins' provides custom precut cedar log homes. We use 10" cedar profiled in a round/round style or flat/flat style. Our basic package is logs, windows, doors, and log siding as well as the accessories to put it together: lag screws, butyl, splines and bucks.

4 - What does precut mean?
The logs are cut according to your specific plan to the appropriate lengths. There is no wasted log material. This compares to random length logs which arrive in various, or for example, all 10 ft lengths, and then have to be cut by hand on site to match the door, window and corner plans.

5 - Does precut cost more?
In comparing wood cost, yes. But, the precision cutting of a precut house and the savings in labor stack time will far outweigh the cost for having a quality log company precut your log home. A typical 1500-2000 sq ft precut log home can be stacked to the first floor height in 2-3 days (we recently did a 1600 sq ft log home stack in 14 hours!). A random length stack can easily take 7-10 days to 3-4 weeks.

6 - How does Liberty Log Cabins keep air and water out?
We use a single tongue and groove between our logs. The corners have a double mortise and tenon. Double strips of butyl are used where two logs come in contact. Butyl is a non-curing rubber gasket which prevents air and moisture infiltration.

7 - How do the logs attach to each other?
Cedar LogSystems uses 12" lag screws to join the log courses together. The logs are pre-drilled for the lags and have a pre-drilled countersink. The corner logs are also pre-drilled for an 8" lag to tighten the corners together. Two impact drills on site will aid in tightening the logs together and speed in this process.

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8 - What is that extra corner piece? That is the Colorado Corner™ and serves two purposes. It completes the look of a full corner, and the corner logs form a true interlocking corner for strength, stability and tightness against air and water penetration.

9 - How does Liberty Log Cabins install doors and windows?
A groove is precut into the logs next to doors and windows. A metal T-channel fits into the groove, and this metal is attached to a 6/4 wood buck. This allows for vertical log movement and for strength and log stability.

10 - How does a window or door buck work?
The door and/or window is attached only to the wood of the buck. The metal T-channel on the buck slides through the log channel.

11 - How much settling space is allowed?
Liberty Log Cabins' allows about 1 1/2" above the doors and windows for settling. Historically, we have found that cedar settles about 5/8"-3/4" per first floor log stack, so we use about half the allowed space.

12 - What goes in that settling space?
In the space between the top of a window or door and the log above, we recommend insulation or foam channel, something that can squish down. The trim is then attached to the log so it can slide down as any settling occurs.

13 - Why does Liberty Log Cabins use Cedar?
Cedar is known for its beauty and durability. It has less checking, settling and shrinking than the common pine and spruce white woods. Cedar is also naturally resistant to insects, rot and decay. You will have to treat the outside for water and ultra violet, but you will not have to treat cedar with pesticides.

14 - Isn't Cedar more expensive?
We deal strictly in cedar, buy in volume, and sell factory direct - there are no extra commissions to pay. Wood cost to wood cost cedar should be approximately 10% more than pine.

Frequently Asked Questions